Our Story

The Story of our Perfect Bloody Mary
Let's be honest, who really loved Bloody Mary’s before they hit 30? Probably the same people who enjoyed sensible shoes and early bedtimes. But then, something magical happens. Your taste buds mature (or maybe they just give up), and suddenly, this spicy, tomato-y concoction becomes the elixir of the gods. A "hair of the dog" hero, a winter warmer champion, the perfect sidekick for game day or just chilling with your favorite humans.
Store-bought Bloody Mary mix? Sure, if you like "meh." We were tired of doctoring up every bottle with a pharmacy's worth of extra ingredients.
There had to be a better way. And so, the quest began. I just knew there had to be a better way.
TWe became mad scientists in the kitchen, experimenting with recipes like a culinary Dr. Frankenstein. Okay, maybe not that dramatic, but there was definitely some serious stirring and tasting involved. Over
time, we crafted a blend so good, it had its own gravitational pull. It was a flavor explosion, a symphony of savory, spicy, and just plain wow.
Foodie and Restarant/Bar friends begged for the recipe. Chef friends practically wept with joy, incorporating it into their culinary masterpieces (we've even picked up some Awards along the way).
For years, this liquid gold was our little secret, enjoyed amongst friends during football games, snow shoveling marathons, golf outings, and après-ski adventures. Life was good.

Unexpected Opportunity
Then, 2020 happened. (You know, that year.) Suddenly, we were all locked down, the bars were closed, and the world went into hibernation. We hadn't made my magical mix in ages, but something (probably divine intervention, or maybe just boredom) told me it was time. And wouldn't you know it? Our "COVID crew" couldn't get enough. When the world cautiously reopened its doors, restaurants started clamoring for bottles of our delicious elixir.
It was time. It was destiny. It was…DUDE WOW Cocktails! We decided to share our precious creation with the world. Because everyone deserves a Bloody Mary so good, it makes them shout, "DUDE WOW!" (It's kind of our thing.)
So, ditch the "meh" and grab a bottle. We're pretty sure you'll agree: It's the official drink of brunch. (And, you know, pretty much any other time you want something awesome.)
Don't take our word for it, dive in and try one. There is no doubt you’ll take one sip and shout, DUDE WOW!
THE OFFICIAL DRINK OF BRUNCH and any other time you need a perfectly balanceed Bloody Mary